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Workers' Compensation

Charleston Job Accident Attorneys: Imperial Sugar Agrees To Multi-Million Dollar Settlement

In a story making headlines today, Charleston workers compensation attorneys would like to make the public aware of a large scale settlement in which Imperial Sugar was involved regarding work place safety issues. Imperial Sugar has agreed to pay $6 million dollars in fines and compensation on account of rampant safety violations in two US plants, one of which exploded in Savannah, GA in 2008, killing 14 workers.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration sought to impose fines of more than $8.7 Million dollars in regards to the safety code failures. However, Imperial Sugar was able to contest these charges for nearly two years. The fines include $4 Million Dollars for the where there were 124 violations reported. The fire as reported, was judged preventable if proper safety precautions had been followed. Chemical Safety Board Chairman John Bresland stated “The explosion at the plant was entirely preventable and the deaths that occurred in February 2008 should never have happened,” The other $2 Million Dollars will pay for various fines leveled on a facility in Louisiana. South Carolina accident lawyers urge both Companies and Plant workers to follow proper safety procedure when operating in hazardous enviroments.

Sources: The Charleston Post and Courier, ” Imperial Sugar agrees to pay $6 Million”, July 8th,2010

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Rueters News Service, “Imperial Sugar plant explosion was ‘preventable’ ”

MSNBC News, “4 found dead in Ga. sugar refinery blast Dozens injured in blast; firefighters continue to battle blaze into Friday”

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