No one can really disagree that doctors make mistakes that can be life-changing. If you are scheduled for surgery, you may be experiencing anxiety at the thought of one of these errors occurring during your procedure. Let’s assume that everything goes off without a hitch and your surgery is done safely and accurately. You can still experience mistakes, but how?
Thousands of people undergo surgery ever day. Unfortunately, many of these people will experience poor healing, illness or injury at their own hands. If you have had surgery or are scheduled for a procedure, knowing which mistakes can affect the success of your surgery is important.
1. Medication Errors
Talk to your doctor about the medication your prescribed. Know what you are taking and why, and make sure that you understand when you are to take your medication. Follow through with your prescription. If you are tempted to stop taking your medication for whatever reason, speak with your doctor first.
2. Moving Too Soon
Your doctor may give you restrictions to follow after your surgery. Do not get moving too quickly. If your doctor tells you how much you can lift, when you can bend and how much exercise to complete, follow those instructions.
3. Avoiding Therapy
Physical and occupational therapies are not always comfortable, but they may be necessary. Don’t skip your therapy appointments. If something you are asked to do is unusually painful or uncomfortable, speak to your therapist.
4. Skipping Follow-Ups
If your doctor wants to see you after your surgery, get to your appointments. If you can’t make one, reschedule. Your doctor wants to see you to make sure that you are healing correctly and whether or not adjustments need to be made to your after-care regimen.
5. Back to Work
Just like your doctor will give you restrictions on movement, they may give you restrictions on when you can return to work. Don’t go back to work too soon and risk injury or illness. If you just can’t stand sitting at home for one more minute, talk to you doctor about light duty.
People undergo successful surgeries every day and chances are that yours will be performed without incident. If, however, you are the victim of medical negligence or error in Charleston, call our office. A member of our team will review the details of your case and advise you of your options.