When it comes to accidents, it’s often necessary to take a deep breath and simply move on, as there’s no real good explanation for why they happened.
Take for example this accident which happened in the middle of the afternoon in Ridgeville. A Saturn and a Chrysler minivan collided head-on as they were traveling on State Road near Mudville Road. The crash took the life of the person driving the Saturn, who was not wearing a seat belt.
A lady was driving the minivan with five juveniles in the vehicle. Everyone who was in the vehicle was taken to the Medical University Hospital for unknown injuries. Each and every one of them were wearing their seat belts in the vehicle.
No charges have been filed in this accident as of yet while the police are still investigating its causes. One thing that we do know, however, is that wearing seatbelts is crucial to saving lives in auto accidents.
Whether you were wearing a seatbelt or not, if you’ve been involved in an accident where you weren’t at fault, it’s time to give us a call. At Howell and Christmas, we know the law, and we have a dedicated team who is willing to make sure that you get the best judgment possible. We offer a free consultation, so what do you have to lose?