If you have been injured at work, you may think that you are ready to get back to business. While you very well may be on the mend, you are questioning whether the time is right to start punching the clock again. Here are some things to consider as you make your decision.
1. The Benefits
The benefits of returning back to work are many. You may be able to increase your income and benefits over time. Your social circle may be at work, and you can get back to seeing your friends daily. You may also be privy to promotions and raises that you wouldn’t be otherwise.
2. Benefit Payments
Many people wonder what happens to their benefit payments once they go back to work. In most cases, your benefits will cease. Once you begin earning a paycheck again, it is deemed no longer necessary to pay you any further awards. If you receive a lower wage due to a change in job status due to your injury, you can apply for benefits that make up the difference between what you earn now and what you earned before your injury.
3. Medical Treatment
Even if you return to work, you can still receive medical treatment for your injuries. If you are prescribed ongoing medical attention, medication or therapy, returning to work does not mean it stops. This is a conversation to have with your doctor.
4. Unemployment
If you are medically cleared for work and ready to go back and your employer did not hold your job open for you, you may be able to collect unemployment insurance. You can contact your state’s Department of Labor to find out if you are eligible.
5. Partial Disability
If a doctor tells you that you have a partial disability, you must still look for work that you can do. Again, if your wages are reduced due to a lessened ability to perform your previous work functions, you may be eligible for a “reduced earnings” benefit.
If you have been injured at work and need to file a claim, our team can assist you. We deal with workers’ compensation in Charlotte and are experienced in state law surrounding work injuries. A member of our team will provide you with a free case evaluation and advise you how to proceed. Call now or browse our website for more information about our firm and how we can assist you.