Electronic medical records, also called EMRs, were created to help improve accuracy among medical professionals and eliminate errors. Unfortunately, EMRs have contributed to some medical malpractice claims due to inaccurate record keeping and even identity theft. If your doctor uses electronic records, there are ways that you can help protect yourself.
Keep Records of Your Own
When you go to the doctor, take a notebook along with you. Jot down your health issues, including symptoms, and the diagnosis you are given. Be sure that you write down any medications that you are on or prescribed. Keep a running log. This way, you will know what you need to discuss with your doctor.
Speak Up
If you have a question, ask. Do not be shy about speaking up for your health. If something doesn’t seem right, get clarification. You should walk out of the office understanding your diagnosis and its treatment.
Get a Copy
One of the beneficial things about EMRs is that they are easily sent to a patient. Ask for a copy of your records. When you receive them, look them over, checking for errors. If you’ve been keeping a notebook, check your notes against the doctor’s notes.
Make Updates
If you are prescribed a medication by a specialist, advise your general practitioner. If you have tests performed, update all of your medical providers. EMRs make it easy to keep your records centralized and up-to-date with the current information.
Check for Breaches
The Department of Health and Human Services website has a list of large EMR breaches. If said breach affects 500 people or more, it will be listed on the website. If you have been affected, contact the appropriate medical personnel.
When you are proactive about your health, you are less likely to become a victim of medical malpractice due to error. Whether or not you have free access to your EMR, you do have the right to a copy. Make sure you have a copy of your own and that of any dependents. Keeping on top of your health should be a priority.
If you believe you are the victim of medical malpractice no matter the reason, contact our offices immediately. You can trust that we will fight for your rights and help you get your life back together. Call today for a free initial consultation.