If you are considering seeing a chiropractor for health benefits, wait. If you are thinking about making an appointment with a chiropractor for improved joint mobility or a back that doesn’t ache when you get out of bed in the morning, wait. In a book released by licensed chiropractor Preston H. Long, the issues with this type of “medicine” are finally exposed by someone who has been there and done that.
While chiropractic care is beneficial to many, it is not the cure-all that it is touted by some to be. Here are some things you should know.
- Narrow Scope
The ailments that chiropractic care will actually treat are few. Nearly all of these ailments are related to specific musculoskeletal problems and nothing more. Unfortunately, some chiropractors advertise that they can cure just about anything that ails you with a crack of your spine.
- Misdiagnosis
While there is little doubt that chiropractors see their fair share of patients, they do not have the same medical training that traditional doctors do. This can lead chiropractors to under or misdiagnose patients.
- Unnecessary Treatments
Few people would perform their jobs for free, and most chiropractors are no exception to that rule. This leads many in the profession to suggest treatments that are no longer necessary. A good chiropractor will tell you from the onset of your treatment when you can expect results and what they should be. They will not sign you up for dozens of treatments.
- Cracking
You may have cracked your knuckles in the past. Maybe you’ve even cracked your own back. That cracking you hear is the pressure in your joints being released more suddenly than normal. Do not let a chiropractor tell you any different. Nothing therapeutic or fancy is happening when you hear that noise.
- Neck Manipulation Can Be Dangerous
Certain types of manipulations to the neck can cause arterial damage. This damage can lead to stroke. Little research has been done into these types of injuries and how they can be avoided.
Many people believe in chiropractic are and, in some cases, are right to do so. Unfortunately, it may be a waste of time and money for some. Do your own research before forking over your money to one of these practitioners simply because you “heard” an adjustment would help you.
If you believe you have been injured by a chiropractor, you may have grounds for a medical malpractice claim. Call our offices today for a free consultation.