After you are injured at work, the doctor who treats you will play an essential part in your journey towards compensation. The doctor will make several important decisions with regards to your care. These include whether or not your injuries are work related, the nature of treatment you are to receive, how much time you need off of work, whether you need light duty, and when you have reached maximum medical improvement.
The facts that you choose to tell your doctor can have an impact on their effectiveness in your case. Say too much and you could hurt yourself. Say too little and you could do the same. Your best bet is to always be honest with your doctor. Neither overblow nor downplay your injuries. Here are some tips for speaking with your doctor after your injury.
1. Be Honest
First and foremost, speak to your doctor truthfully. Describe your symptoms without exaggerating, but be careful that you don’t make light of your symptoms either. A doctor with any type of experience will know if you are telling the truth.
2. Think Inclusion
Don’t worry if your symptoms seem mild. Don’t forget about the ones that come and go. Your doctor went through years of schooling to be able to help you, so let them. Even if you think that your symptoms are insignificant, they may come back to haunt you later.
3. Skip Speculation
Your doctor may ask you questions that you don’t know the answer to. Just say so. Don’t speculate or guess. If you don’t know what the causes of your injuries are, don’t make something up.
Your doctor is your ally and should be treated as such. Remember that as long as you are telling the truth, your doctor is on your side. Also keep in mind that if you choose to forego medical attention, you may not be able to prove your claim.
If you need assistance with a workers’ compensation case in Charleston, be sure to call our office. We will speak with you at no cost and advise you of the options you have under current state law. Call now for assistance.