A Brooklyn, New York woman has filed a lawsuit against Coney Island Hospital, claiming that hospital staff botched a routine injection to help treat her diabetes. Allegedly, back in April 2008 the 55-year-old woman went to the hospital for treatment, the staff hooked her up to intravenous solutions, but missed her veins in both arms, allowing potassium chloride to rot and eat away the skin around her elbow and underlying tissue. In general, any IV solution that leaks out of the vein can cause irritation or bruising, but the serious injuries and damage done in this incident represent an extremely unusual occurrence.
Since the negligent incident, she has hired an experienced medical malpractice attorney to assist her in claiming the damages she, and her legal representative, feel she is entitled.
The city has offered a settlement, but it is not an amount that seems satisfactory to the woman’s lawyer who claims she suffered damages “in the millions.” Despite this claim the city is not willing to budge on the unspecified amount offered. The case was heard in Brooklyn Supreme Court in November as part of the court’s effort to mediate, this and other, medical malpractice cases. It was at this hearing that the woman’s attorney rejected the paltry amount offered by the city. It was reported the injured woman felt insulted by the figure.
The woman, who is a home health aide, still bears the scars from medical mishap and continues to live in pain from the incident. She has limited motion in one of her arms, even after the four-inch round wounds have healed. She continues to work every day, but does so in debilitating pain. The results of the alleged medical negligence have been devastating for the woman and with the help of her lawyer she is going to continue to fight for the damages they feel she deserves. A formal trial is set for the beginning of February.
If you suspect you are a victim of medical malpractice by a South Carolina doctor or hospital, you may be entitled to compensation. In South Carolina, medical malpractice laws currently have strict standards to prove these types of cases. Each medical specialty has its own standard of care that physicians practicing in that specialty must meet. At Christmas Injury Lawyers in Charleston, South Carolina, our personal injury attorneys can analyze your claim and determine whether your medical malpractice case is valid.